Friday, November 30, 2012

Whoa!  I've been outrageously busy!  Sorry I haven't been able to keep up!  I'm working on adding all the Bucket Filler pictures!  So, check back soon!
"Fairness"  Character Trait for the Month of December
From an early age, you’ve probably had strong
opinions about what is fair and what isn’t. Everyone
Fairness is, however, one of the most difficult
Pillars of Character, or core ethical values, to define
clearly. People often simply see those decisions
that help them as “fair” and those that don’t as
Only one thing is clear when it comes to fairness:
it is often a matter of perception. Although
some decisions are clearly unfair, there is often more
than one fair choice.
To ensure that choices are fair to as many
people as possible, the rules of the decision-making
process should be very clear to all involved and everyone
should abide by the rules. Everyone must be
treated the same under the rules.