Friday, August 3, 2012

Be an Attendance SUPERSTAR at King Elementary!

1)   Before you go to bed at night, think about what you will need for the next day: clothes, books, supplies. Do yourself a favor; get these things ready at night so you can save time in the morning.

2) Be at school on time so you can have time to enjoy your breakfast. Your body needs food like your car needs gas.

4) Get a good night’s sleep EVERY NIGHT! Your body needs its rest so your mind can think!

5) Remember that every day at school is an important day. School is where you learn the things that you need to know to have a bright future!

6) When you are returning to school from an absence, be sure to bring a note which explains the absence. Without a note your absence is unexcused. Please bring a note to the office or to your teacher!

7) Make a deal with your parents. Talk to your parents about a good time to go to bed. You know you need rest to think well. Agree on a good bedtime with your parents and stick to it. If you do this you will be showing them that you are becoming more mature, you are growing up.

8) Take pride in your school attendance! At King we will reward your superstar attendance with prizes and rewards, but you should be proud of your attendance because you know you are doing the right thing! Be proud superstars, you are the best!

9) Superstars take care of the first things first! When you get home, be sure to do your homework before you do anything else. It feels great to go to bed and know that there is nothing left to be done. Your teachers will be especially proud of you!

10) You should know that your success in life is connected to your attendance at school. The more you are here, the more you will know, the more you know, the farther you’ll go.

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